MegaHydrate Capsule
Product UPC# 833567005115
Item# MGFL16136
Suggested Retail Price*
Our Price
(36% Below Retail)
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MegaHydrate®is the key that unlocks the potential of water as the medium for nutrient replenishment and waste removal at the cellular level. In a state of dehydration, body cells cannot assimilate nutrients and remove waste. *

MegaHydrate® also helps fight the negative effects of normal everyday stress. * In addition to hydration, MegaHydrate® is the most powerful known antioxidant food. Since it is an “pure” antioxidant that does not turn into a free radical itself, taken daily, MegaHydrate® delivers far more Hydrogen ions than by eating pounds of raw fruits and vegetables or drinking gallons of “healing waters,” also known as “glacial milk.” Humans need Hydrogen to survive. It is the key to long life and anti-aging. However, due to mass food production, mineral deficient soil, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, over-processing of foods, chemical preservatives, and drinking over-chlorinated and over-fluoridated water, people do not get enough Hydrogen ions daily. Body cells become damaged, hydration levels decrease and cells age. *

In summary, MegaHydrate challenges the symptoms of dehydration and minimizes the process of aging. * Many customers report increases in energy. It is safe, having been tested and shown to have no known side effects.

Directions: As a dietary supplement, take two capsules with 8-16 ox of water daily or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

Ingredients: 2 Capsules supply:
Potassium 234 mg
Sodium 27 mg
Magnesium 0.56 mg

Other Ingredients: Flanagan Microcltor
Proprietary Blend (Potassium Magnesium, Ascorbic Acid, Citric Acid, Silica), Boron, Vegetable Capsule (Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose), (Negative Hydrogenions).

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The Terms "Suggested Retail Price" or "Retail Price" denote the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price. The product may be sold by vendors at a different price. The Terms "Savings" or "Your Savings" refer to the difference between the "Suggested Retail Price" and the price being offered by Inc. The Term "Below Retail" refers to the difference between the "Suggested Retail Price" and the price being offered by Inc.

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